Appreciating the Importance of Biology
Thank you for the book review of The Devil’s Element by Dan Egan. I was especially heartened by the observation and opinion of Mr. Scrimger that the work of Elaine Ingham and others needs to be more broadly understood.
My dream begins with the idea that every rural family, household and business could have at least one person who has received an educational opportunity like or similar to that of the Soil Food Web School Foundation Courses and the Microscopy Lab Assessment Studies.
I would like to see open-source study materials and continuing programs in a very simple and basic format available everywhere. Many other major additions and improvements could be included from a diversity of additional sources as soil, water and air, electricity, etc. The main focus is advocating for an additional, usually overlooked, audience: the next generations (the people who will replace us).
So, the dream continues with the hope that those who obtain the education materials, especially parents, would homeschool all children with the knowledge. Children need to learn how to assess the worth of biology, diversity and living habitats.
The appreciation for the importance of ethical biology for the continuation of life on earth is an essential legacy to pass from generation to generation. The more time parents take to teach children, the more children respect their parents. Just bringing in lots of money never accounts for very much benefit in a child’s mind.
I believe the family unit still has more goodness and influence with children than the larger institutional systems who are exercising control of people’s minds for the benefit of nonsensical commercial development.
Thank you for making my days happier. Your actions and thoughts are encouraging.
Franklin Esprilla
Guinda, California
Glyphosate Remediation Resources
I really enjoyed reading the question-and-answer section by Don Huber in the December 2024 magazine. I have a few questions from the article:
- If I was to do some testing for glyphosate in my soil and chicken litters that I use, where is a reputable place to get that testing done?
- He mentioned a specific eight-way microbial blend that has been successful at breaking down glyphosate; is that available to buy somewhere?
- He also mentioned sauerkraut juice for getting rid of glyphosate. Is that just something I’d have to make, or can I get that somewhere?
Quinton Steiner
Leetonia, Ohio
Don Huber responds:
HRI Labs (505 Dimick Dr., Suite 111, Fairfield, Iowa, 641-552-6258) is an excellent lab for both glyphosate and AMPA analysis. They’ll do an HPLC triple-mass-spec analysis that’s good to about 0.1 part per billion. One part per billion has been identified as an endocrine hormone disruptor. They can analyze urine, hair, soil, food products, etc. HRI is the gold standard.
Another possible source is the Detox Project. All they give is an email address: I think they only use the serological test, which isn’t nearly as sensitive as HPLC, but commonly they’ll get 0.1 parts per million.
The products we’ve used to break down glyphosate come from PaleoPower and EDC BioSynergy, but there are others.
The raw sauerkraut juice is a waste product from the fermenting program of GLK Sauerkraut — contact Michael Maney at GLK Sauerkraut, 400 Clark Street, Bear Creek, Wisconsin. They’ve been just giving that out to anyone who can use it, if you come with a container or a tanker. Our application rate was 10 to 15 gallons per acre. But GLK has about five million gallons. They’re the largest sauerkraut company in the world.
If you mix the biological cocktail, which comes as a concentrate, with raw sauerkraut juice as a carrier, that actually increases the activity degradation because you have more organisms there to work.