Neither weeds in the field nor bodily ailments are so much problems as they are indicators and teachers
Tell me a story — the tale of your farm. I want to hear the highs and lows, its deepest pain or challenge, and how it transformed you and the farm over the years.
This process for learning about one’s farm is similar to the one that Terrain Advocates of the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health (MTIH) ask of someone who is experiencing their cancer journey. In each processes, the farm advisor or Terrain Advocate will ask about different aspects of the farm or one’s body, in order to develop a more personalized picture of health. As we discussed in our last Acres U.S.A. article, in September, the advisor walks the client through the spectrum of improvement by taking the very next best step for one’s farm or personal health.
One step in this process of change is to recognize that oftentimes what is identified as the perceived problem may actually be the needed remedy, and that the symptom, or what is obvious on the outside, is pointing toward a deeper root cause — something that needs to be addressed on the inside.
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