Let’s choose technologies that enhance our ability to care for the Earth, for one another and for the future
It seems to me that humanity’s love affair with technological innovations is insatiable.
The basic human impulse toward toolmaking seems innocent enough when you think about how the earliest humans had to survive upon their ejection from the Garden. For a creature with no claws or fangs, a sharp stick sure would be useful for family defense and for spearing a rampaging aurochs. That same aurochs would taste a lot better and be more nutritious when seared crispy on the outside, rare to medium on the inside, over the technology of fire.
The point of the sharpened stick would be harder and would penetrate a tough bull hide more easily if it were fire-hardened — better yet if a sharp stone were attached to it. The stick could be thrown further, providing safety to the hunter, if it were thrown with an atlatl, and more effective still if launched from a bow with a string.
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