How to protect your farm from rural stray voltage, EMF, 5G and solar and wind farms — Part Two
In Part One of this article (September 2022) I mentioned a brilliant book called The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg. I bring it up again because it’s important to realize that this is not the first time man-made electrical currents have affected our health and well-being. With each new evolution of technology — be it military bases with the first electrical service, radar, radio, TV and now microwave transmission, cellphones and satellites — there have been widespread health issues that Firstenberg documents and correlates.
These include the Spanish Flu of 1918, which first appeared near military bases as they became electrified. Some wonder how much of the pandemic we are now experiencing is related to the ongoing release of 5G and other cellphone-related infrastructure. People, crops, wildlife and livestock that are being exposed to ever-increasing levels of glyphosate and pesticides — and that are also being dosed with high levels of manmade radiation — could be made sick by this toxic brew.
One thing we do know is that none of these technologies have been proven to be safe. We also know that pollution effects are cumulative.
EMF is the term we apply to non-native and chaotic electromagnetic frequencies. It is also referred to as “electrosmog” and now covers nearly 90 percent of the world.
Researchers have shown that any form of EMF causes stress to the cell membranes of all plants, suppressing their growth and disease resistance. It increases the level of free radicals and oxidative stress enzymes, leading to more disease and stunting. We have just learned that all plants communicate with each other using their own natural electromagnetic energy (called biophotons), but, sadly, these connections become incoherent when exposed to the much more powerful artificial EMF. This is also true for soil microbes, as well as pollinator insects and birds.
The chlorophyll in all plants is responsible for taking CO2, water and sunlight and turning it into sugar, making everything in agriculture and nature possible. Modern EMF — which has expanded over 70-fold in the past 20 years — has been shown to decrease chlorophyll activity by 30 percent or more. One can only imagine what this does to bushel yield and animal gains for meat, milk and eggs.
The government has tried to regulate expansion and intensity of manmade waves, but without much success. There are now over 5,000 satellites spinning overhead in low-Earth orbit, as well as many stationary satellites, beaming TV, radio and cellphone signals to Earth 24 hours a day, and the FCC has authorized the launch of another 40,000 satellites.
We need to start protecting ourselves and our farms and ranches. The problem is not only not going away any time soon — it’s going to get worse. If you can see a cellphone tower or high-voltage transmission line from your home or farm, you are definitely getting zapped. Your crops are suffering, as are the bees and other pollinators. Your water is being destructured and unbalanced, and there will be negative effects on your trees, soil microbes and soil mineral balance, as well as birds and other wildlife.
But there is a small industry of individuals, scientists and companies that are working to develop the means to protect ourselves. Devices are being designed with the promise of either neutralization or harmonization of the radiation.
There are two main ways to get out from under the cloud of electrosmog. The first is to do everything possible to reduce your exposure and to mitigate any radiation that is being generated on-site. This might require some testing to find out if there are any dangerous sources either on the farm or home, or nearby.
To do so, one can either hire professionals that measure radiation of all forms or — as I have done — acquire a few professional instruments for detection. I have three meters. One measures electricity and magnetic waves coming from outlets, fixtures, fuse boxes and wiring. Another larger device measures waves from a distance, like for the transformer on the pole, any satellite dish or other large farm equipment. Lastly, I have a handheld device that is specific for radio frequencies (RF). All three can be acquired for $1,000-5,000.
We have been surprised to find out where we are getting radiation from. At home and at work, we now avoid anything wireless, if possible. This is especially true of Bluetooth devices. I have replaced my Bluetooth computer mouse, keyboard and trackpad with wired units. We put our routers and modems on timers, shutting them off from 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. We keep everything but a battery-operated alarm clock out of the bedroom —- certainly no electric blankets or space heaters — and we are considering getting bedding that blocks radiation. One can even buy RF-shielding paint.
But by far the worst source is the ubiquitous cellphone! Never put a phone up to your ear, and keep it far from your body. Radiation drops exponentially with distance, so use the remote speaker. I have purchased shielding cases that block radiation, and the phone can be used with the flap over the front (still don’t put it up to your head). Flip phones are less dangerous than the big ones but are still dangerous, as are cordless phones. Try to go back to wired landline phones if possible.
Throw the microwave oven in the trash where it belongs! If you have smart meters that read your water, electricity and gas lines, consider buying lead shields over the part of the devise that faces the living quarters. In 2009, all TV signals were converted from analog to digital. This improved reception and picture quality but drastically increased the intensity of the EMF signals from the TV stations.

The second step is to consider using devices that will harmonize or neutralize any radiation coming at you, either from your own devices or from towers, satellites or power lines. After listening to lectures by Dan Stachofsky of GeoField Systems, I purchased a metal pendant that I wear around my neck. The purpose is to create a safe zone around the body. Fortunately, I’m not as sensitive as some people, yet I can feel it working. I notice it the most when I take it off temporarily as I demonstrate it to others. This one-inch square of stainless steel can be worn when bathing, swimming or sleeping. One of the main effects I noticed was much more sound sleep at night and less brain fog.
The GeoField technology was invented in New Zealand and has been in the process of being perfected over the past 35-40 years by scientists and farmers there. Early on, they experimented by creating devices made from crystals or even slabs of granite but found that metal, especially high-grade steel, holds the charge much longer — practically forever. Using a technique called plasmonics, the surface of the metal is altered in a way that when biophotons hit the plate, they bounce back in an altered form that then works on the radiation. The units are not cheap, but I decided that I couldn’t afford to not be protected. Full-farm or ranch Ag Conditioners top out at around $18K, but I believe this is a device that pays for itself, and does so rather quickly in most cases.
Since there’s nothing visible, how does one know whether such a system is working? The answer is twofold. First, one can easily measure results via increases in one’s vital energy, health and disease resistance. There should also be noticeably measurable gains in bushels/acre or tons of forage/acre, average daily weight gains for animals (and less disease), milk going into the bulk tank or egg production.
Secondly, in the laboratory, scientists are able to measure the ratio of positive to negative ions around such a unit — its ionic balance. In general, everything works better when there are adequate negative ions, and things work worse when there is an excess of positive ions. Large machines make more positive ions, as does manmade radiation; we want to achieve the true balance found in nature. Certain natural phenomena, such as lightning and even waterfalls, generate more negative ions. Ever notice how good the air feels around a natural waterfall or after a storm and, conversely, how bad you feel hanging out at a commercial laundry for a while?
Additionally, when it comes to proving that the devices are working, it’s even possible to accurately measure the quantity and quality of the biophotons that are being created or reflected from all living beings, be they human, animal or plant.
The GeoField units are somewhat unique in that they are powered exclusively by biophoton light units. They require no batteries or electrical connection; this means that they can be easily used by farms or homestead operations that have no electrical power whatsoever. There are no moving parts and therefore nothing to wear out.
I purchased a smaller unit for our home, yard and garden, and it merely sits on a wooden tower in our dining room. It is a 7-inch square of metal that is five layers thick. Each layer increases the intensity of the biophotons, giving it thousands of times more power than a neck pendant. Our unit protects 3.5 acres. The larger farm and ranch units are typically 16 x 16 inches and will protect thousands of acres.
1) Higher crop yields, in quantity and in number of cuttings per season
2) Increased sap flow within the plants
3) Improved disease, pest and drought tolerance
4) Healthier livestock
5) Increased dairy production
6) Increased daily weight gain and shorter finishing times
7) Direct increases in Brix of all plants
8) Improved absorption of minerals from the soil and from forages
9) Better hydration and utilization of water
10) Approximately 30 percent better performance from the chlorophyll of plants
These results are not theoretical. They are being observed by livestock producers who are clipping 5-6 months off of finishing time in grassfed beef cattle and are seeing less mastitis, up to a gallon of extra milk/cow/day, and an increased percentage of eggs per day. Crop farmers are seeing an average of a 25 percent increase in bushels per acre of corn or beans. Berry producers are getting a second harvest later in the season, and hayfields are getting an extra cutting every summer.
Mitigating this toxic pollution is not an experiment that you would be trying alone; that experiment is already being done across the country. The only question is how long farmers — or even city people, for that matter — will wait to get protection.
Will Winter is a holistic herd health consultant and livestock nutritionist who hangs his hat in Minnesota. He is also a traveling teacher focusing on sustainable agriculture and traditional nutrition. He also coordinates the raising of his own pastured hogs, hair sheep and meat goats. Find him at or