Increase Stable Soil Carbon Levels by Increasing Photosynthesis
Q: Is there a way to nudge plants toward producing more exudates? A: According to Dr. Christine Jones, 90 percent...
Read moreDetailsQ: Is there a way to nudge plants toward producing more exudates? A: According to Dr. Christine Jones, 90 percent...
Read moreDetailsHigh Plains No-Till Conference. February 4-5. Burlington, Colorado. Hear Allen Williams, Roy Pfaltzgraff and other speakers on soil health, no-till...
Read moreDetailsBeyond the Root Cellar: The Market Gardener’s Guide to Growing and Storing Vegetables for Off-Season Sales and Food Security, by...
Read moreDetailsFarm and landscape designer Darren Doherty speaks with John Kempf about principles of design, emphasizing management changes over infrastructure changes,...
Read moreDetailsA systems approach to beef farming is the best way I know to enable long-term success in managing land Farm...
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